I have never done that for Steelhead but there a bunch of videos on you tube. Here is one where he did use a swivel and it makes cents to me.
That's ok . I think I have it figured out. Just need to figure out how to keep my hands and rod eyes from freezing up.
Well third time is a charm!!!! The mainline I use is Braid because it mends way better that momo which sinks. Well I hope the freezing weather is behind us for now.... fingerless gloves if you can get used to them. Good luck...
Here is one supplier that I found. http://fishingandhuntingheaven.com/fishing/products/jigs/jig-heads/compac-double-eye-jig-heads And those Nightmare jigs flat out catch fish too!!!
I enjoy using neoprene gloves. Just dip your rod tip I the water every once in a while to get rid of the ice.
Thats one purdy fish. Ive fished both Santiam's and Alsea but alas, no Steelhead for me. Normally just jig an bait, never tried the nightmare but I will now. Anyone on this forum fish the Idaho Snake/Boise/Clearwater rivers for Steelhead? Thanks.