First time turkey hunting

Discussion in 'Turkey, Pheasant & Other Upland Birds' started by Brian D, Apr 15, 2015.

  1. Brian D

    Brian D
    Seattle area
    New Member

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    Hey there, as I mentioned in my introduction post, I'm planning on trying my hand at turkey hunting in a few weeks. However, I'm a total newb and don't really know the ins and outs. I've watched quite a few clips on youtube for some tips and techniques. What I really feel like I'm missing is the local knowledge.

    From what I understand the area around Spokane is full of birds. What should I be planning for as far as setup and gear? Full camo a necessity? Mosquito repellent? How about decoys?

    I'm sure I can come up with a bunch more questions but I'll see what sort of responses I get before going crazy.
  2. teb

    New Member

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    A bit late for advice, but i'll give some anyway.

    Practice with a call, just to get familiar with it. You don't have to be perfect.
    Box, Slate, or Diaphragm.
    You'd at least want a diaphragm if you're running without a decoy, in my opinion. Hands free operation.
    I started with a box, diaphragm, and no decoy.

    Go in the evening to the area you plan to hunt and call some to try and locate the birds roost. Then sneak in early, hunker down, and try to coax him in. Camo definitely helps, but keeping still is more important.

    Be cautious of other hunters out there as well. A lot of people will shoot without verifying their target.
  3. teb

    New Member

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    Pattern your shotgun as well.
    You don't need to buy the expensive shells marketed for turkey hunting either.
  4. Brian D

    Brian D
    Seattle area
    New Member

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    I'm hoping to go pattern my shotgun tonight. I've been practicing with both the diaphragm and slate calls. I dropped some cash at Cabela's yesterday to get some camo clothing. Thanks for your advice. I'm looking forward to getting out there and I hope to see a few gobblers running around.

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